
Giving and Receiving 施与受(2)

Which end would you like to be? The giving end or the receiving end? Well to most, if you are talking about receiving something good, all of us would gladly be at the receiving end. On the contrary, if you are talking about at the receiving end of a punch? No..... siry!

A story told : Once there were 2 ghosts awaiting their turn for rebirth (reincarnation) to a new life. Both were given 2 choices : (1) to be born as a person who constantly receives OR (2) to be born as a person who is constantly giving.

Ghost A was quick to jump the gun and requested to be born as a person who constantly receives. He was a lazy ghost and wanted an effortless life. Ghost B on the contrary, gladly accepts to be born as a person who is constantly giving...

Both were cast into their new lives... Ghost A turned into a begger (constantly receives from the rich), while Ghost B turned into a rich man (constantly giving alms to the poor).

So... what's your choice?


曾看过一则故事~ 从前有一个贫困的男孩,凭着自己的毅力刻苦的支持下,半工半读。虽然如此,他还是需要挨家挨户乞食,方可度日。一天,小男孩来到了一户小康之家,开门的是一个小女孩。。男孩不好意思向她乞食,只是向小女孩要了杯水喝。

稍等片刻后,小女孩拿了一杯牛奶和两个面包笑嘻嘻的递给他。他接过食物便开始吃了起耒.小女孩不待他道谢,己经回屋子里去了。十多年过去了,小女孩很不幸得了重病入院治疗,情况危急.还好有一位专科医生肯为她治疗.经过医生的细心医治,小女孩的病情好转. 小女孩心里一方面高兴,而另一方面又担心昂贵的账单. 出院那天,小女孩用颤抖的手,打开账单一看,却惊讶的发现总额栏目中写着"医药费: 一杯牛奶,两个面包“!原来那位专科医生就是多年前的小男生!

“不因善小而不为,不因恶小而为之”, “积善之家,必有余庆。积不善之家,必有余殃”。"What goes around, comes around" much like a boomerang. You are what you think. So be careful what you think! 看似小小善举,竟有如此效应。“施”与“受”,谁为上者呢?我认为,不分上下。“施”者,施而不望报,事毕而忘。视善举为为人本分,喜而行之。“受”者,感恩而望他日图报。但我想。。若能把这份“爱”传下去,学习布施,让更多人受惠,更是美哉!您说呢?

