Hair?...nothing special. But to many it means different things. "Youth", "Fashion", "Being Cool" etc. You may style any way you want... that is, provided you still got some..ha..ha...
But joke aside. Don't you find it an irony? When you were young, you want to look more it "lady-like" or "manly". You may be tempted to dye your hair to the trend of the times, or perhaps trim to an 'outrageous-your mum will scream in horror' kind of style? But it really puzzles me that why would any one want to dye their hair white!
What's more ironic is when you get old (older), you would dye it to a more youthful color like black (for Asians) to cover those o-so-ugly whites/greys. But this is understandable. I mean, who wants to look old? (not me?)
This thought reminds me of the "yin-yang" symbol.
It looked like 2 fishes if you may, 'chasing' each other's tail, with each having a little quality of each other (the white dot and the black dot).. It seems too that it is a cycle of birth and death cycle, constantly renewing itself. Much like a parent ages while her child matures from a baby to adulthood.. and the cycle renews again; with the child getting married and having child(ren) of her own.
In life, we do not noticed the passing of time as we are engrossed in our fanatic routine, more "zombie-like" as we are always in automatic mode. We pinned our eyes on our handphone more than on people and things around us; in addition we are conditioned to think of what it means to be "happy". We were conditioned to this frame of mind through many ages (rebirths) of upbringing and the 'norm' that the society sets itself (car, big house, beautiful wife/capable husband, money, power, status...). We do not take time to reflect/meditate/think or rethink about our life (Or are we afraid to take charge of our life and live life as we really want it to be?)
We are chasing the elusive thing called 'happiness' outside of us. But once we got what we want, the 'happiness' is gone again like a fluttering butterfly and once again we are chasing again the next 'new' desire.
"Buddha" when loosely translated means "The Great Enlightened One". He is able to 'see' and understand what is permanent or impermanent, what is eternal and what is transient. The only difference between a Buddha and a layman is that one has awakened to the Truth; while the other is still "dreaming in a dream"... what do you think?
Side thought: We should start looking at our life and make a change. Doing the same thing everyday, will only yield the SAME results. A change in yourself will bring about a new perspective towards life, people, environment and events.