What do you see? A cleaning gauze or something else? Hi friends and fellow Dao-kin, it's been a while since I last posted. Sorry about this, I was pretty caught up with life. While making a trip to my kitchen sink to wash a cup, I chanced upon this curious worn-out cleaning gauze I left last night. I was quick to snap this up with my trusty phone. So.... what do you see? A gauze or a mouse? Side thought: In our transient life, we may have missed out the simplest of beauty. This reminds me of the saying "have eyes that do not see, have ears that do not listen". Very often, we tend to see and hear according to our own pre-conceived notion of what happens around us. We may lack the sensitivity to see and hear from a different angle. This is very true if we consider a scenario of sending a 'good-intentioned' email and getting a ill reaction from the receipient. Thus we should not jump to conclusion as to what the other person's real intentions are. We should probe further before arriving to a conclusion. See deeper, not just skin-deep... look beyond the 'less-than-perfect' surface and discover the inner beauty.
In this fast moving world, we might be at the cross-road, a dilemma or even confused. As a global village, where technology and modern conveniences shortens our distance. But at the same time, we tend to be 'cold' like the technology we use. This blog voices my reflections and thoughts on life. Share your views here and share this blog with your friends. 在忙碌的生活当中,可否停下脚步,思考人生真谛与意义?现今社会步伐快得惊人,我们是否失去方向,徘徊十字街头,压得喘不过气来呢?此部落格目的是跟大家分享个人在生活中的小小体悟。欢迎介绍[随想]给您的朋友,谢谢。
Closed Doors 关闭的门
"When one door closes another opens... But often we look so long so regretfully upon the closed door that we fail to see... the one that has opened for us." ~Helen Keller 菜根谭:“迷则乐境为苦海,如水凝为冰;悟则苦海为乐境,犹如涣作水。可见苦乐无二境,迷悟非两心,只在一转念间耳。
Side thought: Everybody would have met their darkest moments in life sooner or later. It may be true that we tend to look too hard and too long at the closed door that we fail to notice another door has been opened for us. This is true wisdom. But alas... for most of us, we will only realise it after much effort or after a long time or don't realise at all. You see, when we are engrossed in our problem, it is not easy to 'jump' out to look at ourselves or situation. We often are clouded by our problems, we focus our attention on the problem(s) instead of looking for solutions or have the ability to look at the other side of the coin. Our perception is narrow, we lack a bird's eye view of the big picture. Things or events happen for a reason. They exist not to torment or destroy us. They are here to test, challenge, train our mental muscles. They will more often than not, reveal to us, who we really are and what we are made of... a fluffy mass that crumbles in the face of difficulty or a man of steel.
This reminds me of a story: A husband who is always dominant at work and at home is married to a mild mannered-submissive wife who does nothing but housework and taking care of their only son. One fateful day, their son met with an accident and was sent to hospital for operation. Both parents rushed to the hospital upon receiving news. Relatives and friends came to console them. They had assumed that the wife would be a nervous reck by now. To their surprise, the wife calmly explained what she knew as she was signing the papers for the operation. In contrast, the husband had totally broken down in tears and he looked totally lost and helpless... and thus, my friends... in times of crisis, do we show our true grit or are we a 'tweet'?
But on the bright side, we will get to know our weaknesses and start to work on them and turned them into true grit. My personal experience tells me that "self-pity", getting "sympathy" or "blaming others" are useless in solving your problems. We need to go through our own personal crisis ourselves and learn from it. These crisis do not turn us into "emotionless" beings, on the contrary, helped us gain wisdom and understanding of ourselves, of people-their reasons why they react/did certain hurtful things, why we react/did certain hurtful things to others... I guess this is as close to wisdom as I can get. I now understood why Buddha is always so merciful, kind and mostly very understanding to all.. even to his arch enemies who are out to bring him down, and in such situations, Lord Buddha is able to forgive and have great compassion/mercy towards them. I believe it was Jesus who said "if a man hit you in the left cheek, turn the other cheek and let him hit it as well" (something of this token, perhaps not the exact words). Such examples are countless in all "religious" figures... if you look carefully, you will see they possess similar qualities.
Enough of my chattering... now I leave you with a few questions: "Do you know who you are?" "Are you your master of your life?" "Is happiness/peace within or without?"
I would suggest that we do not look at an opened door nor a closed door; we should rather, open our own door and take a look inside ourselves... what do you think?
Side thought: Everybody would have met their darkest moments in life sooner or later. It may be true that we tend to look too hard and too long at the closed door that we fail to notice another door has been opened for us. This is true wisdom. But alas... for most of us, we will only realise it after much effort or after a long time or don't realise at all. You see, when we are engrossed in our problem, it is not easy to 'jump' out to look at ourselves or situation. We often are clouded by our problems, we focus our attention on the problem(s) instead of looking for solutions or have the ability to look at the other side of the coin. Our perception is narrow, we lack a bird's eye view of the big picture. Things or events happen for a reason. They exist not to torment or destroy us. They are here to test, challenge, train our mental muscles. They will more often than not, reveal to us, who we really are and what we are made of... a fluffy mass that crumbles in the face of difficulty or a man of steel.
This reminds me of a story: A husband who is always dominant at work and at home is married to a mild mannered-submissive wife who does nothing but housework and taking care of their only son. One fateful day, their son met with an accident and was sent to hospital for operation. Both parents rushed to the hospital upon receiving news. Relatives and friends came to console them. They had assumed that the wife would be a nervous reck by now. To their surprise, the wife calmly explained what she knew as she was signing the papers for the operation. In contrast, the husband had totally broken down in tears and he looked totally lost and helpless... and thus, my friends... in times of crisis, do we show our true grit or are we a 'tweet'?
But on the bright side, we will get to know our weaknesses and start to work on them and turned them into true grit. My personal experience tells me that "self-pity", getting "sympathy" or "blaming others" are useless in solving your problems. We need to go through our own personal crisis ourselves and learn from it. These crisis do not turn us into "emotionless" beings, on the contrary, helped us gain wisdom and understanding of ourselves, of people-their reasons why they react/did certain hurtful things, why we react/did certain hurtful things to others... I guess this is as close to wisdom as I can get. I now understood why Buddha is always so merciful, kind and mostly very understanding to all.. even to his arch enemies who are out to bring him down, and in such situations, Lord Buddha is able to forgive and have great compassion/mercy towards them. I believe it was Jesus who said "if a man hit you in the left cheek, turn the other cheek and let him hit it as well" (something of this token, perhaps not the exact words). Such examples are countless in all "religious" figures... if you look carefully, you will see they possess similar qualities.
Enough of my chattering... now I leave you with a few questions: "Do you know who you are?" "Are you your master of your life?" "Is happiness/peace within or without?"
I would suggest that we do not look at an opened door nor a closed door; we should rather, open our own door and take a look inside ourselves... what do you think?
Quotes of Wisdom
Pic: Clay Super Heroes 泥塑娃娃
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Photography 相機與我
Pic: Clay models 泥塑
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Photography 相機與我
Fulfilling Life 美满人生
"A fulfilling life is not one that dwells in having only material things, status, prestige and power. It should be one that has true friendship, sharing and caring for one another."~Rev. ZhengYan
Side thought: In our lives, our main objectives seem to be "amassing things"; be it money, fame, power and material possessions. There seem to be a great void that cannot be filled or satisfied. Happiness is elusive and we, like the donkey ever chasing the carrot; ever draining our life-force.. till the we expire with regret at our last breath on earth. Where did this 'void' come from? From our 'Greed', 'Anger' and 'Foolishness', which are the 3 poisons that prevent us from attaining a higher consciousness of being.
Quotes of Wisdom
Prison 牢笼
"The worst prison is a closed heart."~John Paul “世间最糟的牢笼,莫过于[心牢]” 随想:封闭的心,如同心死,心若死,身又如何健康呢?祝您:“心灵健康,身体愉快”
Quotes of Wisdom
Pte Ltd vs Unlimited 有限与无限
某天,有一个聪明的男孩和妈妈到杂货店 买东西。老板看到这个可爱的小孩,就打开一罐糖果,要小男孩自己拿一把糖果。但是小男孩几经老板的邀请,却没有伸手去拿。老板不得不亲自抓了一把糖果放进小男孩的口袋中。回到家里,妈妈很好奇的问孩子为什么不去拿糖果。只见小男孩笑嘻嘻的说:“我的手这么小,而老板的手那么大,所以他拿的一定比我拿得多很多!”
A little boy went to a little store with his mother to buy some grocery. The store-keeper was glad to see such a cute little child and decided to give him some sweets. He opened a can of sweets for the little boy to get a handful of sweets. However, after several invitations, the little boy didn't reach out his hand for the sweets. Thus, the store-keeper on thinking that the little boy was shy; took a generous handful of sweets and put them into the boy's pocket. On reaching home, the boy's mother asked him why he didn't take the sweets from the store-keeper. With a broad grin, the little boy said "My hand is much smaller than the store-keeper's, his hand will fetch more sweets than mine can."
Side thought: How true. Often we would jump at any chance and grab as much as we can. As Tao cultivators, are we 'calculative' in our deeds, every so often jotting down how much we had done or benefited others? If so, there shall not be any true merits in all we had done. Why not learn from the little boy in the story? Do every deed truthfully. Let the hand of God bestow upon us what we deserve. Isn't God's hand bigger than ours? (As Tao-cultivators, we had already received the most precious gifts, didn't we?) What's your opinion?
A little boy went to a little store with his mother to buy some grocery. The store-keeper was glad to see such a cute little child and decided to give him some sweets. He opened a can of sweets for the little boy to get a handful of sweets. However, after several invitations, the little boy didn't reach out his hand for the sweets. Thus, the store-keeper on thinking that the little boy was shy; took a generous handful of sweets and put them into the boy's pocket. On reaching home, the boy's mother asked him why he didn't take the sweets from the store-keeper. With a broad grin, the little boy said "My hand is much smaller than the store-keeper's, his hand will fetch more sweets than mine can."
Side thought: How true. Often we would jump at any chance and grab as much as we can. As Tao cultivators, are we 'calculative' in our deeds, every so often jotting down how much we had done or benefited others? If so, there shall not be any true merits in all we had done. Why not learn from the little boy in the story? Do every deed truthfully. Let the hand of God bestow upon us what we deserve. Isn't God's hand bigger than ours? (As Tao-cultivators, we had already received the most precious gifts, didn't we?) What's your opinion?
Words in Pic 画中话
Unchange is 'Change' 唯一不变《变》
"To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often" ~ Winston Churchill. 世间唯一不变的东西是就是“变”。
随想:每当事情不顺利时,我们往往会把指头指向对方,从不回头想想自己是否有过错。为什么呢?因为“我执”的关系,我们都把自己无限放大。。甘地曾说:“Be the change you want to see in the world”。所以我们必须改变自己的错误,这样才能接近“道”。
Quotes of Wisdom
A Stroll 散步的启示
上帝给我一个任务,叫我牵一只蜗牛去散布。我不能走得太快,蜗牛会跟不上。每次总是挪那么一点点。我催它,唬它,甚至责备它,蜗牛只能用抱歉的眼光看着我。它仿佛说:“人家已经尽全力了!” 无奈,我只能蹲下身子等它跟上。我纳闷:“真奇怪!上帝为什么叫我牵一只蜗牛散布?” 想着想着。。我不自觉的仰望蓝天,看着浮云一片片飘过。我忽然发觉四周是鸟语花香,连虫鸣声也能听到。。。咦?以前怎么没注意到我身边的这一切美好景象呢?喔!原来上帝是叫蜗牛牵着我去散步。。
Words in Pic 画中话
Practice over words 说一丈,不如行一寸
The value of spiritual cultivation lies in the practice rather than mere words ~ Rev. ZhengYan
“修行贵在身体力行,说一丈不如行一寸。” ~证严法师
Quotes of Wisdom
Build Foundation 万丈高楼平地起
"If you have built castles in the air your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundation under them." ~ Henry David Thoreau
Quotes of Wisdom
Johnny's trouble 张三的烦恼
cartoon courtesy of justoutoftheboxcartoon.com
Johnny was having insomnia for days, his wife couldn't get much sleep either with him twisting and turning in bed. She finally couldn't stand it and asked him the reason. "I owed our neighbour, Tom, $20 000 and it's due tomorrow. I can't find the money to repay him, how can I sleep?!" "Oh, it's that all? Let me handle it.", said his wife. With that, she shouted out the window, "Hey Tom! Listen up! My husband is unable to repay the money he owe you! So sorry and good night!" She turned and said with a grin to his husband, "I think he is the one whose going to have insomnia tonight!"
Humour Me 幽默一下
Pic: Confucious (Chinese Gardens) 孔子圣像(新加坡裕华园)
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Humor: Count yourself lucky! 算你运气好!

(cartoon courtesy iclipart.com)
A husband came home with a red patch on his forehead.
"Where did you get that lipstick smudge on your forehead?!" asked his angry wife.
"No dear, I met with an accident on the way back." rebuked her husband.
"Oh... count yourself 'lucky' this time!" smiled his wife.
Humour Me 幽默一下
Pic: Orchid (Singapore Zoo)兰花(新加坡动物园)
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Photography 相機與我
Photo-edit: A Lion or A Sheep 是獅子或是綿羊?
Is this a lion or a sheep?
No.. this is not the real thing. I 'combined' the two different animals in photoshop :)
No.. this is not the real thing. I 'combined' the two different animals in photoshop :)
Photo edit 數碼圖片
Recipe: Nyonya Rice Dumpling 娘惹粽子(素)怎么制作?
![]() |
Nyonya Rice Dumpling (Vegetarian) 美味娘惹粽子(素) |
Ingredients(for around 10 pcs of dumpling) 材料(可包10颗粽子)
Glutinous Rice (soak 30mins) 糯米(250克)浸泡30分钟
slices Vegetarian Pork Belly 素三层肉(10片)
pcs Dried Mushroom
(soak till soft and wash) 香菇(5片)-浸泡至软
slices Vegetarian Lean Pork 素瘦肉(10片)
200g Split mung beans (soak) 白眉豆(200克)
pcs Dried Chestnut (soak
for 2 hours) 栗子(10颗)
pcs Blue Peas Flower (fresh or dried. Soak in hot water:10mins)
slices Galangal
Ginger (finely chop) 蓝姜(3片)
Seasoning 調味
tsp Sugar 糖(2茶匙)
tsp Salt 盐 (4茶匙)
tbsp Coriander Powder 芫茜粉 (2茶匙)
Wrapping Materials 包紮材料
3pcs Pandan
Leaf (cut in 1 inch long) 香兰叶(3叶)
10 Hemp
String 绳(10条)
20pcs Bamboo
leaves 竹叶(20片)
Preparation 制作
1) Pour the Blue Peas colour to soak 1/3 of the
Glutinous Rice (pre-washed) for around 20 mins. 将蓝花汁倒入三份之一的糯米里,浸泡20分钟。
2) Stir fried the Coriander Powder with oil. Then add
Galangal Ginger fried till fragrant. 将芫茜粉过油翻炒,加入蓝姜爆香。
3) Add in Mushroom, Chestnut, Lean Pork and Pork Belly
to fry. Pour a little water then add sugar and salt. Cover it with lid for
around 1 min. 加入香菇、栗子、素瘦肉和素三层肉炒香。加一点水,少许糖和盐(若重口味,可随意添加)。加盖焖煮1分钟即可。
4) Set it aside. 搁置一边备用。
5) Wash and
drain the Glutinous Rice. Add in 2 tsp of salt and mix well. 将剩余三份之二的糯米,洗净滤干。加入2茶匙盐翻搅均匀。
6) Wash and drain the Mung Beans and add in 1 tsp of
salt and sugar and mix well. 洗净及滤干白眉豆,加入1茶匙盐和糖,翻搅均匀。
Start to wrap 包裹粽子
1) Wash and boil the Bamboo Leaves until
soft. Leave it aside to cool down then wash the leaf for a few times. 洗净及滤干竹叶至软备用(若是买的是晒干的竹叶,需用热水浸泡、洗净两到三次)
2) Take 2 pieces of Bamboo Leaves stacked together, fold
near bottom 1/3 of leaves and shape into cone. 交叠两片竹叶,形成漏斗状(如下图)
3) Spoon in 1 tbsp Blue Glutinous Rice. Then top it
with the fried ingredients. Add 2 tbsp of Glutinous Rice to cover it. Add in
the Mung Bean and a pc of Pandan Leaf. Wrap up and shape into triangular
parcel. Tie securely with a hemp
string. 根据上图所示,包裹粽子即可。
4) Boil a large pot of water and boil rice
dumplings for 3 hours. Or if your rice cooker is big enough. You can use it to
boil for 40 mins. 将包裹好的粽子放入沸水锅里煮3小时(或可用大的电饭锅煮约40分钟)
5) Top up with boiling water to ensure
that water covers rice dumplings completely at all times. Remove and hang dry.水量需盖满粽子,若必要,可添加水量。煮熟后,将粽子吊起来,滤干水分,即可享用。
以上“菩提食谱”由:Ms Prudy Wu 提供(感谢您的分享)
Recipe 菩提食谱
Thank God! The RAIN is here! 感谢上苍!雨终于来了!
Thank God! After days of haze smothering Singapore, we see RAIN at last!
Words in Pic 画中话
Wiser Today than Yesterday 经一事,长一智
"I don't think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday."
~ Abraham Lincoln
~ Abraham Lincoln
Quotes of Wisdom
What makes us rich? 怎样才算富裕呢?
(Picture source: www.kootation.com)
"It is not what we have that makes us rich, but what we can appreciate and enjoy."
~ Adelaide Keen
Quotes of Wisdom
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