In this fast moving world, we might be at the cross-road, a dilemma or even confused. As a global village, where technology and modern conveniences shortens our distance. But at the same time, we tend to be 'cold' like the technology we use. This blog voices my reflections and thoughts on life. Share your views here and share this blog with your friends.
Unchange is 'Change' 唯一不变《变》
"To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often" ~ Winston Churchill. 世间唯一不变的东西是就是“变”。
随想:每当事情不顺利时,我们往往会把指头指向对方,从不回头想想自己是否有过错。为什么呢?因为“我执”的关系,我们都把自己无限放大。。甘地曾说:“Be the change you want to see in the world”。所以我们必须改变自己的错误,这样才能接近“道”。