
Photo-edit: A Lion or A Sheep 是獅子或是綿羊?

Is this a lion or a sheep?
No.. this is not the real thing. I 'combined' the two different animals in photoshop :)


Recipe: Nyonya Rice Dumpling 娘惹粽子(素)怎么制作?

Nyonya Rice Dumpling (Vegetarian) 美味娘惹粽子(素)

Ingredients(for around 10 pcs of dumpling) 材料(可包10颗粽子)
250g                     Glutinous Rice (soak 30mins) 糯米(250克)浸泡30分钟

10 slices              Vegetarian Pork Belly 素三层肉(10片)

5 pcs                     Dried Mushroom (soak till soft and wash) 香菇(5片)-浸泡至软

10 slices              Vegetarian Lean Pork 素瘦肉(10片)

200g                     Split mung beans (soak) 白眉豆(200克)

10 pcs                  Dried Chestnut (soak for 2 hours) 栗子(10颗)

20 pcs                  Blue Peas Flower (fresh or dried. Soak in hot water:10mins) 

3 slices                                Galangal Ginger (finely chop) 蓝姜(3片)

Seasoning 調味
2 tsp                     Sugar 糖(2茶匙)
4 tsp                     Salt 盐(4茶匙)
2 tbsp                  Coriander Powder 芫茜粉(2茶匙)

Wrapping Materials 包紮材料
3pcs                      Pandan Leaf (cut in 1 inch long) 香兰叶(3叶)

10                           Hemp String  绳(10条)

20pcs                   Bamboo leaves 竹叶(20片)

Preparation 制作
1) Pour the Blue Peas colour to soak 1/3 of the Glutinous Rice (pre-washed) for around 20 mins. 将蓝花汁倒入三份之一的糯米里,浸泡20分钟。

2) Stir fried the Coriander Powder with oil. Then add Galangal Ginger fried till fragrant. 芫茜粉过油翻炒,加入蓝姜爆香。

3) Add in Mushroom, Chestnut, Lean Pork and Pork Belly to fry. Pour a little water then add sugar and salt. Cover it with lid for around 1 min. 加入香菇、栗子、素瘦肉和素三层肉炒香。加一点水,少许糖和盐(若重口味,可随意添加)。加盖焖煮1分钟即可。

4) Set it aside. 搁置一边备用。

5) Wash and drain the Glutinous Rice. Add in 2 tsp of salt and mix well. 将剩余三份之二的糯米,洗净滤干。加入2茶匙盐翻搅均匀。

6) Wash and drain the Mung Beans and add in 1 tsp of salt and sugar and mix well. 洗净及滤干白眉豆,加入1茶匙盐和糖,翻搅均匀。

Start to wrap 包裹粽子
1) Wash and boil the Bamboo Leaves until soft. Leave it aside to cool down then wash the leaf for a few times. 洗净及滤干竹叶至软备用(若是买的是晒干的竹叶,需用热水浸泡、洗净两到三次)

2) Take 2 pieces of Bamboo Leaves stacked together, fold near bottom 1/3 of leaves and shape into cone. 交叠两片竹叶,形成漏斗状(如下图)

3) Spoon in 1 tbsp Blue Glutinous Rice. Then top it with the fried ingredients. Add 2 tbsp of Glutinous Rice to cover it. Add in the Mung Bean and a pc of Pandan Leaf. Wrap up and shape into triangular parcel. Tie securely with a hemp string. 根据上图所示,包裹粽子即可。

4) Boil a large pot of water and boil rice dumplings for 3 hours. Or if your rice cooker is big enough. You can use it to boil for 40 mins. 将包裹好的粽子放入沸水锅里煮3小时(或可用大的电饭锅煮约40分钟)

5) Top up with boiling water to ensure that water covers rice dumplings completely at all times. Remove and hang dry.水量需盖满粽子,若必要,可添加水量。煮熟后,将粽子吊起来,滤干水分,即可享用。

以上“菩提食谱”由:Ms Prudy Wu 提供(感谢您的分享)


Thank God! The RAIN is here! 感谢上苍!雨终于来了!

Thank God! After days of haze smothering Singapore, we see RAIN at last!

Wiser Today than Yesterday 经一事,长一智

"I don't think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday."
~ Abraham Lincoln


What makes us rich? 怎样才算富裕呢?

    (Picture source: www.kootation.com)

"It is not what we have that makes us rich, but what we can appreciate and enjoy."
~ Adelaide Keen



Pic: Singapore Zoo (Carp) 新加坡動物園(鯉魚)

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Patience 耐心

"Genius is eternal patience."
~ Michelangelo Buonarotti


Pic: Jurong Bird Park 裕廊飞禽公园 (鹦鹉)

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1) Do not claim ownership of photo
2) Do not use it with sexually explicit content
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Pic: Jurong Bird ParkUSS - Sesame Street characters 芝麻街

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2) Do not use it with sexually explicit content
3) Do not sell/ resell this photo

Believe it or not 信不信,由你

繁华都市~ 拾荒老人 Amidst the modern city-state

 To see old people collecting discarded items such as old newspapers, tin cans, old clothes etc to sell for pennies to earn a 'decent' living in our modern city-state; to some may be unimaginable. Some may feel irksome and lowly that these people actually go through rubbish bins and rubbish chutes to "earn" they daily living. But being old, feeble.. who would employ them? Recently through a new friend who had been working in the health care sector told me a sad but true story...

One day, while walking her rounds, she found a crying old man in a corner. She approached him and asked him what had happened. He told her that he very much wanted to jump off the ledge but he can't. No, it is not fear of death. The truth is, he had no money to pay for his hospital bill... old, half-blind, feeble with a bedridden wife who needs his care to change diapers. Both him and his wife has only TWO 'meals' a day.. which is a tiny bowl of red bean soup which they shared in the morning and kept the other half portion to take as lunch.

Which brings to mind... how fortunate we are, to be alive and able. However 'little' we think we have, it is much more than we imagine. Cherish the people around us, the things we have... and have an open heart and eyes ...to see beyond the superficial. Learn compassion (not hatred), more understanding (not blaming) and reach out your hand (not crossed them in front of your chest). It takes so little to make the world a more bearable place for those down and lost...


曾有一个在医疗服务工作的朋友叙述一个故事。。有一天,在例常巡房中看到一个老伯在角落里哭泣。经问起,老伯说自己体弱,眼睛患白内脏,看不清东西,医药费也付不起。原本想跳楼自杀一死了之,但是不行。。。他想:“如果我死了,就没有人照顾躺在家里,久病不起的老婆。” 正因为不能自行起身,所以老婆就得用成人纸尿片,样样都得依赖老伯照料。。老伯和太太每天支吃两餐。。也就是一碗红豆汤,两人早上共喝半碗当早餐,到了中午再喝剩下的。。




When You Thought I Wasn’t Looking 身教胜过言教

A message every adult should read because children
are watching you and doing as you do, not as you say. 

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw you hang my
first painting on the refrigerator, and I immediately
wanted to paint another one.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw you feed a
stray cat, and I learned that it was good to be kind
to animals.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw you make my
favorite cake for me, and I learned that the little
things can be the special things in life.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I heard you say a
prayer, and I knew that there is a God I could always
talk to, and I learned to trust in Him.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw you make a
meal and take it to a friend who was sick, and I
learned that we all have to help take care of each

When you thought I wasn’t looking, I saw you give of
your time and money to help people who had nothing,
and I learned that those who have something should
give to those who don’t.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw you take care
of our house and everyone in it, and I learned we have
to take care of what we are given.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw how you
handled your responsibilities, even when you didn’t
feel good, and I learned that I would have to be
responsible when I grow up.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw tears come
from your eyes, and I learned that sometimes things
hurt, but it’s all right to cry.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw that you
cared, and I wanted to be everything that I could be.
When you thought I wasn’t looking I learned most of
life’s lessons that I need to know to be a good and
productive person when I grow up.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I looked at you and
wanted to say,’Thanks for all the things I saw when
you thought I wasn’t looking.’

This is to all the people who do so much for others, but think that no one ever sees.
Little eyes see a lot.

Each of us (parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, teacher, friend) influence the life of a child..

Live simply. Love generously.
Care deeply. Speak kindly.
Leave the rest to God

Written by Jeanette

FREE smoke 雾琐南洋?

Smoking......Haze! (PSI: 150 noon, 190, 290.. in the evening) - (19-June 2013)

Can you see the "hazy" HDB at the top of the picture? (20-June 2013)

Thanks to our 'kind' neighbour, all of us in Singapore are 'enjoying'  lots of "free" second-hand smoke. I can feel the burnt smell and the choking haze got my eyes dry and lungs heavy. You can see many people with masks over their noses and mouths... a scene uncommon on our sunny island. This haze is robbing the very air we are breath... Oh, rain, rain please come again... Jack really needs you to come out and play..



Give Thanks 感谢

"Give thanks for everybody and everything, and every condition that shows you your WEAKNESS, for at the same time it shows you your STRENGTH."
~ Katherine Hinchman Newcomb



Conquer Self 克己

"The first and best victory is to conquer self, to be conquered by self is, of all things, the most shameful and vile."~ Plato


观音菩萨:你ok, 我ok




有人说:"朋友甚多,知己难求","我要掌控他人,得到权力"..又云"知己知彼,百战百胜".可是当有人做出不合我们心意的事时,我们便大发雷霆,情绪不能自控.七情上面,时喜怒`哀`乐`爱`恶`欲,六根触六尘,完全由不得自己.心情由外感而内发,由他人掌控.这样又怎能保持平和,如如而不动呢? 快乐的种子无法萌芽扎根,永恒的快乐变得遥不可及.

外在所得到的快乐,是短暂的,有时太多或太久都反变得是一种痛苦.举一例: 你喜欢吃冰淇淋.吃了一个,两个或三个,会觉得快乐满足.如果一下子给你吃二十个,六十个..那你还会快乐吗?或者,吃了两三个,隔了一天,之前的快乐消失了.人人如果想靠外物耒满足和追求永久的快乐,是永远得不到的.唯有由内心的修持,平定"内乱"(六根)方能克制外患(欲望,引诱).内忧外患一除,则能八风吹不动,端尘紫金莲,而不是"一屁打过江".如此,你ok,我也ok.您说呢?






肝火大動的蘇軾,於是十萬火急的過江要找佛印理論,來到門口,只見門上有詩題云: 「八風吹不動,一屁彈過江。」





Where's the spelling mistake? 哪儿出错?


"Speak Takraw" X
"Sepak Takraw" correct


Have you done your BEST? 你真的尽力了吗?




虽说野兔受伤,本应逃脱不了厄运。但说也奇怪,野兔跑得太快,不一会儿就不见踪影。猎犬只有垂头丧气地,伸伸舌头,摇着尾巴,低着头回到猎人面前,似乎是跟主人说:“主人,我已经尽力了。” 主人骂了猎犬几句,也只能自叹倒霉,领着猎犬另寻目标。


。。。猎犬并没有尽力,因为它知道如果它任务失败,也只是挨骂而已,不会因此而丢命。野兔 必须尽全力,除非它不想活命了。

我们在生活当中,很多时候都会为自己找借口,都常推脱说:“我没空!我不能!我已经尽全力了!” 如果我们跟以上的故事相比较,不难发现我们时常在扮演“猎犬”的角色,做人做事都敷衍了事。甚至有时会信口开河,轻许诺言。古人是“一言九鼎”,“一诺千金”,信用重过泰山,今人所言则是“一文不值”。文明的进步,人性则背道而驰!您觉得呢?


Which is EGG-xactly Bigger? “蛋”是我比较大!

Forget about "Which come first?"
Let's discuss "Which is Bigger? A chicken egg or an ostrich's?"

5-legged grasshopper! 五脚蟋蟀,你真行!

Amazing 5-legged grasshopper on a bus window heading towards JB...
Regardless of strong wind and the vibration from the bus, it clang-on...

SMILE.... and the world smile with you! 来!笑一个吧!

Wonder how these fishes keep a positive outlook on life... 
always SMILING.... or are they trying to give you a KISS instead?

Am I CUTE??? 我可爱吗?

A 'cute' looking breakfast!

Giving and Receiving 施与受(2)

Which end would you like to be? The giving end or the receiving end? Well to most, if you are talking about receiving something good, all of us would gladly be at the receiving end. On the contrary, if you are talking about at the receiving end of a punch? No..... siry!

A story told : Once there were 2 ghosts awaiting their turn for rebirth (reincarnation) to a new life. Both were given 2 choices : (1) to be born as a person who constantly receives OR (2) to be born as a person who is constantly giving.

Ghost A was quick to jump the gun and requested to be born as a person who constantly receives. He was a lazy ghost and wanted an effortless life. Ghost B on the contrary, gladly accepts to be born as a person who is constantly giving...

Both were cast into their new lives... Ghost A turned into a begger (constantly receives from the rich), while Ghost B turned into a rich man (constantly giving alms to the poor).

So... what's your choice?


曾看过一则故事~ 从前有一个贫困的男孩,凭着自己的毅力刻苦的支持下,半工半读。虽然如此,他还是需要挨家挨户乞食,方可度日。一天,小男孩来到了一户小康之家,开门的是一个小女孩。。男孩不好意思向她乞食,只是向小女孩要了杯水喝。

稍等片刻后,小女孩拿了一杯牛奶和两个面包笑嘻嘻的递给他。他接过食物便开始吃了起耒.小女孩不待他道谢,己经回屋子里去了。十多年过去了,小女孩很不幸得了重病入院治疗,情况危急.还好有一位专科医生肯为她治疗.经过医生的细心医治,小女孩的病情好转. 小女孩心里一方面高兴,而另一方面又担心昂贵的账单. 出院那天,小女孩用颤抖的手,打开账单一看,却惊讶的发现总额栏目中写着"医药费: 一杯牛奶,两个面包“!原来那位专科医生就是多年前的小男生!

“不因善小而不为,不因恶小而为之”, “积善之家,必有余庆。积不善之家,必有余殃”。"What goes around, comes around" much like a boomerang. You are what you think. So be careful what you think! 看似小小善举,竟有如此效应。“施”与“受”,谁为上者呢?我认为,不分上下。“施”者,施而不望报,事毕而忘。视善举为为人本分,喜而行之。“受”者,感恩而望他日图报。但我想。。若能把这份“爱”传下去,学习布施,让更多人受惠,更是美哉!您说呢?