Look at what I had found! My long-lost shoe... alas, it had to work to make a living too :')
我终于找到你啦! 那遗失很久的小红鞋! 怎么你会在这儿干活?
In this fast moving world, we might be at the cross-road, a dilemma or even confused. As a global village, where technology and modern conveniences shortens our distance. But at the same time, we tend to be 'cold' like the technology we use. This blog voices my reflections and thoughts on life. Share your views here and share this blog with your friends. 在忙碌的生活当中,可否停下脚步,思考人生真谛与意义?现今社会步伐快得惊人,我们是否失去方向,徘徊十字街头,压得喘不过气来呢?此部落格目的是跟大家分享个人在生活中的小小体悟。欢迎介绍[随想]给您的朋友,谢谢。